Curriculum Introduction

Curriculum objectives

To enlighten preschool children's development in morality, intelligence, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spiritual aspects, the school's teaching method is based on audio-visual teaching materials and interactive group activities. We focus on a happy childhood, participating with our teachers' patience, wisdom and love, for all our students.

(1) Respect our Lord, love your neighbor

    i.  Follow St. Margaret's virtue of helping others

    ii.  Deploy God's blessing of life

    iii.  Treat others with forgiveness and love

    iv.  Always be grateful and willing to serve


(2) Enjoy learning

    i.  Inspire creative thinking by enhancing students' interest in learning

    ii.  Encourage students' initiative on learning

    iii.  Stimulate students' ability to explore and resolve problems by strengthening their curiosity in surrounding environments


(3) Care for the society

    i.  Enhance students' confidence and build a better self-concept

    ii.  Love your parents, respect your teachers, be friendly to classmates

    iii.  Develop good living lifestyles

(4) Holistic Education

    i.  Improve students' social skills by training them to express themselves

    ii.  Build up responsiblity, learn to respect and care for others

    iii.  Conserve and love the environment


Curriculum features

Comprehensive teaching

Our school's programme is based on the Education Bureau's Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide,

focusing on children's all round develpoment.


Information technology education and learning

  • Increase learning interest by using multimedia resources
  • Our online platform provides latest update of the school and extra-curricular activites, and we share our students' excellent artwork.


Language learning

Our professional team provides a good learning environment in both English and Mandarin. The English learning team is composed of an experience foreign teacher and local English specialist teachers. Our Mandarin teacher is a native-speaking teacher. We cultivate children's interest on langauge learning by organizing group activities with storytelling and interactive games, allowing them to increase their knowledge of new vocabularies, and improving their listening and oral skills. We encourage our children to communicate with different languages, improving their confidence expressing themselves.

Early childhood development assessment

  • We analysis children's behavior with anecdotal records and photos, exploring their potential and learning abilities in all aspects.
  • Our "Monthly Praise" brochure records our compliment on students' progression
  • Students' health performance at school will be recorded in the "Student Health Logbook".
  • Individual interviews are conducted with parents at the end of each semester. Parents are also invited to participate in students' lesson once a year, gaining a deeper understanding in children's learning process and environment.